Monday, October 8, 2012

Artist Spotlight: Kitten Borgers

First, let's start with the basics...Where you're from and where you are now.

Born in Montana and moved to Long Beach when I was 4. I went to Wilson High School. Then I went to UCSC right at the height of hippie-dom, which could account for my aesthetics, somewhat.

Is Kitten your real name?

No, when I was born my initials spelled MEW (like a small kitten), so I was called Kitten forever after that. Also, I have a sister who was born on Friday the 13th, so her name is Jinx. My dad had a great sense of humor.

What got you into making the crane earrings?

Well when I was in 3rd grade my Sunday school teacher taught us to make the Cranes, I'm sure it was because he wanted us to be quiet during the lesson. I couldn't tell you what the lesson was, but I still remember the Cranes. A few years later, I saw one as a Christmas ornament and it looked like an earring. I thought "why couldn't I make them into earrings?" and so I did. It took a long time to figure out how to seal them, what varnish/seal to use so they stay functional and can handle weather. Want to know what the secret is? Clear nail polish.

How long does it take you to make one pair?

It only takes about 5 minutes to fold the paper, what takes the time is the number of coats of nail polish. I try to use paper with the thickness of the cover of a magazine. But if I find a paper I can't live without, I'll go thinner. That usually takes 5 or 6 coats of nail polish. The drying and reapplying is what takes the most time.

The Cranes are so small, what size is the paper before you start folding?

The average size is 1" x 1". The best thing to use is pages from catalogs that sell sheets, towels, and duvet covers. I can usually find a big enough space with the same color, so I'm able to make a matching pair of earrings.

Are there any other crafts you do?

I paint furniture and pet portraits, as well. My husband says he's afraid to stand still, because I'll paint anything that's still. If I'm not painting, I'm walking dogs.

How did you get into art?

I got into art because I couldn't dance anymore. I was a dance teacher and after a while, my body couldn't do it anymore. I needed to put my creative juices to work somehow.

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