Friday, January 25, 2013

Hapa Artist Spotlight: Sylvia Marie

Hapa Artist Spotlight: Sylvia Marie

1.      How long have you been working with furniture, home decor items, and making hats?

“I've been enjoying the journey of creating art and crafts for as long as I can remember. Designing the flowers on hats, and mosaic art work on repurposed furniture is still fairly new. I would say a little over two years.”

2.      You make beautiful tables/furniture, where do you get the pieces you put on top of the furniture?

“I've always enjoyed creating something beautiful out of something broken. Pieces of china, sea and stain glass, natural treasures found in vintage shops, thrift stores and sometime just given to me. All are a part of hunting for beautiful trinkets and treasures!”

3.      Where did the name Honeys Hat come about?

“After my mother, whose real name is Gloria. The grandkids would hear their grandfather call her "Honey", so they called her Honey too. I wanted to create something lovely in memory of my Mom who lost her battle to cancer. Honey's Hat are named after her.”

4.       What inspires the pieces you make? (Ex. how do you know what pieces to use on your table, color choices for the furniture, the hat designs, etc.)

“Every mosaic art work on furniture is always a surprise for me! Once I find a special piece, I create around it. As for Honey's Hats a pure joy on learning new flowers to make, trying to copy nature.”

5.      What or whom inspired you to start making furniture/home decor items and hats?

“My Mom, the journey started with her in mind with her sweet hairless head. She is my inspiration.”
Thank you Sylvia Marie for taking the time to do this interview. We have a full collection of Sylvia Marie's beautiful hats, home accessories and furniture.

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