Thursday, December 13, 2012

Artist Spotlight: Creature Cashmere

Artist Spotlight
Creature Cashmere
1. What made you want to start your line" Creature Cashmere" ?
     “I started taking a sewing class about 3 1/2 years ago. Each student was
responsible for coming up with their own projects with the emphasis being on
reduce/reuse/recycle. When I discussed my idea with the teacher of using
cashmere she was very supportive and gave me guidance how to sew with knit
fabric. I started with scarves but soon moved to doggie sweaters. A few of my
friends owned retail stores and loved the idea of cashmere doggie sweaters from
repurposed cashmere. So they agreed to try some of my items in their stores.
Their encouragement  and having people actually buy my products gave me the
confidence to start producing more and it took off from there.”

2. What is the story behind your lines name?
   “Since I mostly did doggie sweaters in the very beginning I wanted something
to represent a pet line but also wanted the flexibility in the name that would allow me to develop the 'human' line as well. And, since cashmere is my primary material Creature Cashmere just worked.”

3. Where would you like to see your line in 5 years? 10yrs?
     “ At this point it's hard to anticipate where I'll be in 5 or 10 years. I left
corporate America to escape big business so I'm really enjoying the smallness
and the creativity of being a one person shop allows. It's hard to anticipate
market demand. I'll continue creating as long as I have a niche and am still
having fun doing what I do.”

4. What makes your line unique than others?
      “There aren't a lot of people repurposing cashmere at the one-of-a-kind level
at this point. And I haven't seen anyone incorporating crocheted finishing (like what I do with gloves and headbands). I get quite a few special requests for certain colors, styles, etc. I think my ability to fulfill many of these requests makes my business unique.”

5.  What fabrics do you use?
     “All of my people products are 100% repurposed cashmere. My pet products,
while all natural fibers may have some cotton, silk or other wools.”

6. Where do you find the fabrics you use?
     “ 90% of the fabric I use comes from charity thrift stores. I love that I can contribute to a charity while finding material for my products. The remainder comes from friends and occasional garage sale.”
Hapa Collective has a variety of Creature Cashmere's beautiful fashions now in stock for the holidays!

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